The latest Releases from Decision Analyst on company news, Marketing Research Data, and Reports:

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

Decision Analyst’s January Economic Index Shows U.S. Economy Is Ending 2024 On Positive Note (opens pdf file)

The Economic Index has been flat to trending slightly upward over the past 2 years.

| Consumer Trends

Inflation & Cutbacks: Consumers Still Feeling The Effects Of A Tough Economy

Over the past 18 months, consumers seem to have adjusted to inflation; however, more than 8 in 10 still say they are feeling the effects of high prices and tight economic conditions.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

Decision Analyst’s December Economic Index Shows U.S. Economy Is Ending 2024 On Positive Note (opens pdf file)

The slight uptrend of the U.S. Economic Index over the past 24 months, plus height (above 100 for many months) suggests that economic growth will continue at a modest pace over the next six months, assuming no financial crisis or other major disruptions.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

U.S. Economy Is Softening As 2024 Winds Down, Based on Decision Analyst’s November Economic Index (opens pdf file)

The Economic Index has been relatively flat over the past 12 months on average, indicating a slow-growth U.S. economy in coming months. The slower the GDP growth, of course, the greater the risks the U.S. economy could slip into a recession.

| Consumer Trends

Consumer Trends: NFL Football Engagement & Fantasy Football (opens pdf file)

Nearly half of the 7 in 10 Americans who watch NFL games are what we termed “avid” watchers, engaging at least once a week.

| Consumer Trends

Consumer Trends: Holiday Gifting (opens pdf file)

Most holiday gifters plan to spend the same or less this year compared to 2023. Online shopping will dominate, whether as the sole channel or in combination with brick-and-mortar stores.

| Consumer Trends

Consumer Trends: Thanksgiving Travel & Food (opens pdf file)

Traditional homecooked meals are almost ubiquitous, with starchy comfort foods topping the list of favorite side dishes.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

U.S. Economy Is Softening As 2024 Winds Down, Based on Decision Analyst’s October Economic Index (opens pdf file)

The Economic Index has been relatively flat over the past 12 months on average, indicating a slow-growth U.S. economy in coming months. The slower the GDP growth, of course, the greater the risks the U.S. economy could slip into a recession.

| Consumer Trends

Consumer Trends: November 2024 Election is a Top Stressor (opens pdf file)

Respondents were asked what stressors are in their lives today. From a list of 24 possible stress-inducing situations, the presidential election was chosen by 35% of American adults surveyed. This is among other issues like inflation, the rising cost of food and housing, something personal, and violence in the U.S.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

U.S. Economy Set for Slower Growth Based on Decision Analyst’s September Economic Index (opens pdf file)

The Decision Analyst U.S. Economic Index for September 2024 is 107. This is 3 points higher than a year ago (September 2023). The Economic Index has been relatively flat over the past 12 months on average, indicating a slow-growth U.S. economy in coming months (similar to the period of slow growth following the Great Recession). The slower the GDP growth, of course, the greater the risks the U.S. economy could slip into a recession.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

Decision Analyst’s August Economic Index Indicates Slower Economic Growth For the Rest of 2024 (opens pdf file)

The Decision Analyst U.S. Economic Index for August 2024 is 105. This is 2 points higher than a year ago (August 2023). The Economic Index has been relatively flat over the past 12 months, an indication of continued slow U.S. economic growth. The slower the GDP growth, of course, the greater the risks the U.S. economy could tip into a recession.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

U.S. Economy Set for Slower Growth Based on Decision Analyst’s July Economic Index (opens pdf file)

The Decision Analyst U.S. Economic Index for July 2024 is 108, a 2-point increase from a year ago (July 2023). The flatness in the U.S. Economic Index over the past 12 months has been driven by restrictive monetary conditions (higher interest rates, quantitative tightening, and more cautious lending by U.S. banks). The effects of the more restrictive monetary policy by the Federal Reserve and the tightening of credit requirements by banks have yet to reach their maximum impact; Fed policy will exert a downward pull on the U.S. economy throughout all of 2024 and into 2025.

| Consumer Trends

Consumer Insight: August 2024 Edition 2024 Consumer Trends in Employment (opens pdf file)

Most Americans say they are doing well in their current work situation, and most have low or no concerns about layoffs. For those currently out of work temporarily, 32% say they were laid off, and for most, the layoff came in just the past 3 months. Download our complimentary "Consumer Trends In Employment" mini report for more details.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

Decision Analyst's June Economic Index Signals Slow U.S. Economic Growth (opens pdf file)

The Decision Analyst U.S. Economic Index for June 2024 is 106, the same score as May 2024 and a 2-point increase from a year ago (June 2023). The Economic Index has, on average, gradually improved over the past 12 months, but the overall level of the index suggests only modest GDP growth in the U.S. in coming months. The slower the GDP growth, of course, the greater the risks the U.S. economy could tip into a recession.

| Consumer Trends

2024 Presidential Election Attitudes (opens pdf file)

Decision Analyst has recently surveyed Americans about their attitudes towards the United States Presidential Election. Three in five Americans feel very uneasy about the United States’ political system. “Concern” is overwhelmingly the top feeling related to the upcoming presidential election. Most do plan to vote. Download the infographic for more detail.

| Decision Analyst Economic Index

Decision Analyst's May Economic Index Signals Slow U.S. Economic Growth (opens pdf file)

The Decision Analyst U.S. Economic Index for May 2024 is 106, a 1-point decrease from April 2024 and a 2-point increase from a year ago (May 2023). The Economic Index has, on average, gradually improved over the past 12 months, but the overall level of the index suggests only modest GDP growth in the U.S. in coming months.

| Decision Analyst News

Decision Analyst Names Felicia Rogers Corporate Executive Vice President

Decision Analyst has promoted Felicia Rogers to Corporate Executive Vice President.

| Consumer Trends

Earth Day 2024

While the vast majority of people have heard of Earth Day, many do not celebrate it. Gen Z and Millennials are most likely to celebrate Earth Day.

| Consumer Trends

U.S. Grocery Shoppers Organic Foods Preferences

While a majority of U.S. grocery shoppers aren't exclusively buying any organic foods for their families, there are categories where organic preferences are strong.

| Decision Analyst News

Decision Analyst Names Bonnie Janzen As President

Decision Analyst recently named Bonnie Janzen as its president, a position previously held by founder Jerry W. Thomas, who will continue to serve as chief executive officer.

| Consumer Trends

Holiday Shopping 2023

Let the holiday shopping season begin! According to Decision Analyst's latest consumer tracker, spending will be down this year and the balance will shift in favor of online versus in-store.

| Consumer Trends

Consumer Trends Seasonal Wrap-Up

A special spotlight on holiday shopping and travel, election attitudes, mental health trends, and financial trends

| Consumer Trends

Consumer Considerations When Selecting A Restaurant

With 2020 behind us, restaurants will continue to adjust strategies as COVID continues to impact the world. Moving into 2021, understanding what consumers want and need from their dining choices is paramount.

| Consumer Trends

Grocery Prices Straining Household Budgets, Decision Analyst Survey Shows

More than half of American households say grocery prices are straining their budgets, according to a nationwide survey by marketing research company Decision Analyst Inc.

| Consumer Trends

More Americans Support Vaccination Than Oppose It, Nationwide Survey Shows

ositive vaccine attitudes are more widespread than negative ones, according to a nationwide study conducted by Decision Analyst.

| Consumer Trends

COVID-19’S Impact On Working Women

When COVID-19 began to capture our attention in the United States, Decision Analyst decided to field a variety of research studies to understand a number of issues facing Americans throughout the pandemic.

| Consumer Trends

Decision Analyst Announces Free STATS™ Mobile App

Decision Analyst is offering a free statistical calculator for marketing researchers and students. It’s called “STATS™ Mobile,” and it runs on iPhones, iPads, Android smartphones and tablets.

| American Home Comfort Study

The Internet Has Become An Important Source For Purchase Information

The 2019 American Home Comfort Study Highlights Changes In The HVAC Purchasing Landscape