Tom Allen is an expert in Advertising Research and New Product Development Research. Below is a collection of blogs he has written.

Jul 17 2024
SIR Conference 2024

My (Mis)Adventures In AI

You don’t have to look very hard these days to witness the transformation that artificial intelligence (AI) is having on society. The topic is all the rage at marketing research conferences, too. So, Decision Analyst's Tom Allen set out on a path to see how well AI can analyze unstructured data. Read about his journey as he has Gemini and ChatGPT analyze a large dataset of unstructured data.

Jun 6 2023
In Store Qualitative Intercepts

Blog: To Be (In Store) Or Not To Be (In Store)

That is the question. I’m paraphrasing Shakespeare’s Hamlet, obviously, but this question comes up fairly often when deciding on the best research approach to tackle various marketing or business objectives. In fact, earlier this year we interviewed customers onsite at locations in different markets in order to gain real-time feedback on various store point-of-purchase (POP) features.

Sep 27 2022
Product Testing

I ♥ Product Testing

Product tests are, at their most basic, some of the simplest types of marketing research that can be done. Which cola do you most prefer the taste of? The one on the left or the one on the right? Take it no further than that and you have something that is arguably insightful. Take it even one step further and the tests can be very revealing. Why do you prefer the one on the left? Just adding that one simple question (and the probes that should normally follow it) takes the implications to the next level.

Aug 16 2021
Marketing Research

5 Reasons To Think Like A Squirrel

The inspiration of thinking like a squirrel came from witnessing their behavior, oddly enough. How should you think like a squirrel? Don’t take the shortest path to your destination. Look for new ways to accomplish your personal or business goals that might lead you to new experiences, relationships, sights, or locations.

Aug 31 2020
In-home Product Testing Research (HUTs)

Three Secrets to Product Success

There are many factors that go into a successful product: efficacy, price, value, brand, distribution, advertising, competitive forces, etc. But when push comes to shove at the retail shelf, packaging can make or break a product. Brands need to ensure they are getting the most impact out of their packaging that they possibly can. How do they do that? With consumer research, of course!

Sep 4 2019
Path to Purchase

My Path To Purchase

Trying to specify consumers’ purchase paths (the behaviors and inputs that impact shoppers’ decisions) is often very challenging. In most cases, purchase decisions are unique to each individual and are composed of numerous decisions that take place subconsciously. These subconscious decisions are also influenced by outside factors, ingrained habits, and biased perspectives that consumers won’t admit to. So why do we try?

Jun 4 2018
Advertising Copy Testing

Can You Hear Me Now?:

Embracing Advertising Testing

Remember the ads that ran in the early 2000s that featured a phone technician asking, “Can you hear me now?”. The campaign ran for nearly a decade. As is the way with most things in our fast-paced, information-overload, disposable world, the television audience quickly forgot about the Verizon guy in his absence. Or did they? Here are some suggestions for both agencies and brands on advertising testing.