Marketing research for Pharmaceutical, Medical and Healthcare Companies

Pharma, Medical, Health, and Wellness Marketing Research

The Medical Research Group at Decision Analyst specializes in marketing research, analytics, innovation services, and consulting for the pharmaceutical, medical, health, and wellness industries.

This team of research specialists has the breadth and depth of experience to handle the most difficult of marketing problems. Their scientific and technical backgrounds ensure they understand the complex issues facing the medical community.

Much of the work we do is strategic, often multiphase research to help our clients build stronger brands, communications, and experiences. Some of our most-utilized solutions include:

  • Innovation & Ideation, including new product/service concepts, branding strategies, customer experiences, positioning concepts, promotional concepts, packaging, etc.
  • New Product/Service Research, including concept testing, naming, packaging, pricing, and positioning research
  • Choice Modeling to optimization features, messages, product mix, promotions, prices, etc.
  • Product/Service Forecasting
  • Market Landscapes and Ethnography to understand your market, your customers, and their needs
  • Segmentation to find and customize communications to subgroups of your target audience
  • Brand Equity Monitoring to assess your performance against competitors; what factors are most important to your customers, and how to influence or message against those factors
  • Advertising and Communications Testing to understand and optimize how you engage your customers

This Team has experience working on/with:

  • Pharmaceutical drugs
  • Generic drugs
  • OTC medicines
  • Private-label drugs and products
  • Consumer medical devices and wearables
  • Consumer healthcare durables
  • Consumer health experiences
  • Diagnostic tests and systems
  • Medical foods
  • Personal care and health products
  • Health, beauty, and wellness products
  • Nutrition products
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Implantable medical devices
  • Health systems
  • Healthcare software providers
  • Heath insurance carriers
  • Health communities, medical groups, and associations

Decision Analyst also owns and operates the following high-quality online panels for use in Medical, Health, and Wellness Research:

  • The Physicians Advisory Council®, one of the world’s largest online panels of physicians and surgeons (currently numbering more than 25,000 physicians).
  • The Medical Advisory Board® with more than 30,000 allied medical professionals, including nurses, pharmacists, managed care executives, dentists, and optometrists.
  • Consumers and patients can be reached via the American Consumer Opinion® panel, which currently consists of more than seven million members in the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

In addition to these internet panels, the Medical Research Group conducts both qualitative and quantitative research via traditional methodologies such as mail, telephone, in-person interviews, and focus groups.

Innovation, Analytics, and Research Services

If you would like more information, please contact Monisha Hatfield, Senior Vice President of Medical, Health, and Wellness Research, (, or Bonnie Janzen, President ( Both can be contacted by calling 1-800-262-5974 or 817-640-6166.