Consumer Trends in Mental Health

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Consumer Trends in Mental Health: Transcript

Hi. I'm Katia Delgado with Decision Analyst, a global insights and consulting firm. As part of our regular consumer tracking research, we have been asking consumers about their mental health and emotions for nearly 5 years. We recently captured an updated snapshot of mental well-being among almost 1,300 U.S. adults, and here are some highlights.

We found that after a dip in the most positive rating a year ago, most Americans feel very confident about their own mental health. In fact, more than half report being in 'excellent' or 'very good' condition, with another one in three choosing a 'good' rating. As we look a bit deeper, our data shows that men are more positive about their mental health than women are, and self-perceptions are quite consistent across generations.

When we ask the general question about changes in stress, many people reported feeling increased pressures and worries, though this seemed to be leveling over time. Most recently, a full half of study respondents said their stress is about the same as it was a year ago; with just over one and 10 saying they have fewer worries now. As we again delve further into the data this measure shows that increased stress is most pronounced among younger adults and declines with age. There are no notable differences by gender.

General inflation and its impact on the cost of food and housing represent three out of the top five sources of stress in the most recent research.

Conducted in early November 2024, this survey which was conducted just days before the U.S. presidential elections, revealed that the election itself was the number three source of stress for Americans at that time. A variety of other public and social issues round up the top 10 list. A deeper look at the data reveals that compared to men, women are stressed or worried about more issues and the various concerns cut across the age groups.

We hope you found this quick look at the stress and mental health perceptions of Americans interesting. We regularly track consumer attitudes and behaviors on a variety of top topics. Decision Analyst also provides custom research to meet our clients’ needs, and we would be happy to help you if you're looking for insights to address pressing business questions.

Please send us a message or give us a call if we can help.


Katia Delgado

Katia Delgado

Research Director, Global Research Team

Katia has more than 15 years of experience in both quantitative and qualitative fields, including exploratory research, customer satisfaction tracking, brand positioning and impact, new product development, and custom research. She has extensive expertise in creating studies that reflect unique challenges and opportunities organizations face, developing original instruments rather than using “canned” solutions, and telling impactful stories that challenge assumptions.