American Home Comfort Study 2022

2022 American Home Comfort Study:
Changing Attitudes & Behaviors During The COVID-19 Pandemic

American Home Comfort Study

Order the AHCS Report Today

Download the 2022 Order Form
or Call or Email
Hillary Semmelman
SVP, Client Service
1-800-ANALYSIS (817-262-5974) or 817-640-6166

Strategic Intelligence On Energy Efficiency, Home Comfort, And HVAC

The American Home Comfort Study is the largest knowledge base of homeowner behaviors, perceptions, and attitudes related to energy efficiency, home comfort, and HVAC. Topics include:

  • The level of consumers’ interest in energy efficiency.
  • How consumers balance rising energy costs with home comfort.
  • Consumers’ willingness to spend money on home improvements in order to achieve energy efficiency.
  • Home comfort differences by region and demographics.
  • HVAC equipment owned.
  • HVAC brand satisfaction.


Our 2022 study will be based on insights from thousands of recent purchasers of central HVAC equipment for the home.


As in our previous versions, the 2022 study will be conducted via the internet among homeowners recruited from Decision Analyst's American Consumer Opinion® panel and our trusted partners’ panels.

Who Needs This Report?

This report presents a comprehensive picture of HVAC, home- comfort, and energy efficiency trends, and is useful to many industries:

  • Utility companies
  • Government agencies
  • HVAC manufacturers and distributors
  • Home services contractors
  • Industry consultants
  • Ancillary equipment manufacturers
  • Retailers
  • Media and industry publications
  • Trade organizations
  • Advertising agencies and public relations firms

What is Included?

Energy Efficiency: What Homeowners Know, Believe, And Do

  • Attitudes and activities about energy efficiency and the environment
  • Average temperature settings for the thermostat in winter and summer
  • Steps taken to achieve energy efficiency

Energy Efficiency Knowledge And Rebates

  • Awareness and understanding of the term SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)
  • Energy efficiency level of the HVAC system
  • Credits for energy-efficient systems

Usage And Perceptions

  • Central HVAC equipment owned/recently purchased
  • Ancillary equipment used with central HVAC equipment
  • Heating, cooling, internal air-quality, and humidity-control products
  • Whole-house ventilation and humidity-control products
  • Unaided and aided brand awareness for HVAC equipment
  • Home comfort satisfaction with HVAC equipment
  • Desired improvements to home comfort
  • Maintenance and service contracts
  • Do-it-yourself projects
  • Use of zoning and programmable thermostats for temperature control
  • Homeowner and home profiles

Profile Of Recent Central HVAC Equipment Purchasers

  • HVAC equipment and brand selection
  • Purchase drivers
  • Decision process
  • Purchase process
  • Temperature control
  • Homeowner satisfaction
  • Ancillary equipment


  • Comprehensive report:
    • Summary of the home comfort market
    • Detailed analysis of key market segments
    • Conclusions and recommendations
  • Secure electronic report logins
  • Custom options available (ask for a quote):
    • Queries on targeted issues
    • Presentations

Market Intelligence Services

Decision Analyst is a leading global marketing research firm and analytical consulting firm. If you would like more information on the American Home Comfort Study, please contact Hillary Semmelman, SVP, Client Service, by emailing her at, or by calling 1-800-ANALYSIS (262-5974) or 1-817-640-6166.