

Decision Analyst invests heavily in the continuing improvements of DecisionSystems™. These standard systems yield more actionable results because of normative data, action standards, and analytical models.

Decision Analyst’s proprietary DecisionSystems™ include:

Packaging Research

  • PackageScreen®
  • PackageCheck®
  • PackageTest®
  • PackageOpt™

Advertising Research

  • CopyScreen®
  • CopyCheck®
  • CopyTest®
  • CopyTrack®
  • CopyOpt™
  • CopyRecall™

Concept Testing

  • ConceptScreen®
  • ConceptCheck®
  • ConceptTest®
  • ConceptOpt™

Conceptor® Volumetric Forecasting

Optima® Product Testing

Naming Research

  • NameScreen®

Promotion Testing Research

  • PromotionScreen®
  • PromotionCheck®
  • PromotionTest®
  • PromotionOpt™

Brand Research

Customer Experience Optimization

  • SatisfactionAudit™

DecisionSystems™ Advantages:

  • SellingPower™ Model. A predictive mathematical model, based on emotional and rational variables, determines overall effectiveness of an ad, package, or promotion.
  • Diagnostic Robustness. All DecisionSystems™ seek to explain the why, —the causes—so that improvements can be made.
  • Global Reach. All DecisionSystems™ can be executed online in any country and in up to 30 different languages.
  • Normative Database. Normative databases of thousands of DecisionSystem™ tests provide benchmarks. Decision Analyst also recommends the use of competitive tests to help set target scores and action standards.
  • Worldwide Online Panels. Decision Analyst’s proprietary online panels, containing more than seven million consumers, provide sampling flexibility and a consistent, precise data collection platforms across countries.
  • Validity. Major measurements are validated for new and established products.

Decision Analyst Services

If you would like more information about Decision Analyst’s DecisionSystems™, please contact Bonnie Janzen, President, by email at, or Jerry W. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, by email at Both can be reached by calling 1-800-ANALYSIS (262-5974) or 1-817-640-6166.