Community Surveys

Communities, cities, counties, regions, and states can often do a better job with a little help from data and survey research.

Community Surveys

Community surveys are often the starting point in determining how residents rate a city’s services, staff, and tax rates, but community surveys are only the tip of the iceberg. Research and analytics can address a number of other issues and problems.

Note: We’ll use the term “city” going forward, but all of the research can be conducted for any geo-political entity (county, state, nation, etc.).

Research Applications

Here are common applications of survey research and analytics to improve a city’s marketing and management:

  • Surveys to measure residents’ satisfaction with different public services
  • Surveys to identify new services and facilities Citizens would like to have—and would be willing to pay for
  • Research to improve city processes and procedures
  • Analyses to develop optimal crime-reduction strategies
  • Research and pretesting to improve chances of bond package approval
  • Studies to learn how to promote a city as a tourist destination
  • Research to optimize a City’s website, apps, and online interactions with residents
  • Analyses to identify the optimal location for new a police station, library, or other facility
  • Surveys to enlighten city council decisions when major issues arise
  • Research and analyses to determine optimal economic development strategy

Marketing Research Services

Decision Analyst has over 45 years experience in conducting community surveys. If you would like to discuss a specific project or would like more information, please contact Felicia Rogers, Executive Vice President, by emailing her at or calling 1-800-ANALYSIS (262-5974) or 1-817-640-6166.