Brand Equity Monitor™

Decision Analyst’s Brand Equity Monitor™ is a comprehensive metric.

Brand Equity Tracking

It measures relative brand preference based on all aspects of the brand including both rational and emotional perceptions of the products/services, customer service, images, and supply or availability in the marketplace. When used over time the Brand Equity Monitor™ provides strategic value after several years of consistent measurement. The Brand Equity Monitor™ is custom designed for each client, in order to accurately reflect the brand’s competitive environment and product/service category.

The techniques incorporated into the Brand Equity Monitor™ include:

  • Factor and reliability analysis
  • Cluster analysis
  • Path/Causal modeling
    • Latent class factor analysis
    • Latent class regression analysis (combines regression and cluster analysis)
  • Importance/Performance gap analysis to measure differences in customer needs
  • Performance can be used in a segmentation analysis to identify key segments of customers (i.e., Truly Loyal, Accessible, Trapped, At Risk) Overall satisfaction measures
  • Satisfaction measures by key area (e.g., sales, customer service, technical support, products).

Decision Analyst’s Brand Equity Monitor™ empowers our clients to actively make decisions about how to improve their brands. The Brand Equity Simulation Tool (BEST) is a stand-alone or online interactive system that predicts the impact of improvements in brand perceptions and performance on brand equity.

Brand Consulting Services

Decision Analyst is a leading international marketing research and analytical consulting firm with over 4 decades of experience in state-of-the-art modeling, simulation, and optimization. A team of Ph.D.’s heads up Decision Analyst’s choice modeling work. They publish many white papers on advanced analytical methods and speak frequently at marketing research industry conferences.

Decision Analyst’s strengths in statistics and mathematics, simulation, modeling, and optimization provides the analytical foundation to address complex business and strategy issues. If you would like more information on our Brand Equity Monitor™, please contact Elizabeth Horn, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Advanced Analytics, bu emailing her at, or by calling 1-800-ANALYSIS (262-5974) or 1-817-640-6166.