Why are you like that?
Incorporating Social Cognitive Theory into Segmentation Research
It’s a question most of us have gotten, directly or more subtly, from our spouses, family, and sometimes our friends. Oftentimes it’s rhetorical, but for marketers and researchers it’s a critical question for gaining a deep understanding of consumers and what drives our behavior. And it’s particularly important when conducting a market segmentation study.
A thorough segmentation study involves qualitative and quantitative research to better understand consumers, their similarities and differences, and how they coalesce into definable target audiences (segments). As researchers, segmentations are among the most customized and robust types of research we do, with batteries of lifestyle, behavioral, and attitudinal agreement questions—often framed around the category or industry in question.
One tool that should be considered when developing a segmentation study is Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). SCT, based on Albert Bandura’s (1977) observation of how people (and other species) learn through imitation, implies that human behavior—whether it’s the decision to purchase a brand or service, be a safe driver, avoid littering, or vote for a certain candidate—is driven by 3 reciprocal factors.
Cognitive or personal factors are internal to each of us. These are our inherent beliefs and attitudes about the world, knowledge, values, and goals. They form the basis for acceptance of social norms, and shape our attitudes toward social structures, like laws:
“How important is it to you to drive the speed limit?”
Environmental factors are external beliefs and behavior reinforcers, like social norms, acceptance by others, and access levels to information and resources:
“Do you think that all traffic laws are necessary, or do some not make sense nowadays?”
Behavioral factors include our skillset and competencies, and long-term behavioral patterns that lead to actions we tend to take:
“If faced with an aggressive driver, would you slow down and avoid them or let them know about their behavior by honking or another action?”
According to SCT these elements, taken together, help determine tendencies and behaviors. And if we’re working to impact behaviors, asking the right questions in the context of the topic or category helps get at the roots of why consumers act in certain ways, and how segments can be encouraged to behave in a particular way. By tweaking environmental factors, or appealing to their cognitive tendencies, we can encourage lasting behavior change, based on the reciprocal nature of SCT.
Paired with qualitative research, tenets from SCT can also add definition and color to segment personas. Additionally, it offers a unique lens during analysis and reporting—for example, perceptual mapping across the three dimensions to help visualize where segments fall across the market’s spectrum.
The next time you’re involved in designing a segmentation, or simply looking to profile consumers, consider incorporating some components of Social Cognitive Theory. You may be able to help enhance your research and change the world or, at the least, provide a wise answer when asked “why are you like that?”
Mike Humphrey
Senior Vice President
Mike partners with clients to deliver timely and accurate insights to address business challenges and strategic questions. Throughout his career in marketing research, he has focused on delivering data-driven insights while keeping a focus on the voice of consumers and stakeholders. Mike's experience includes designing and managing advanced quantitative studies, in addition to qualitative initiatives.
Ellyn Charap
As a well-published behavioral scientist, colleagues call me, “science-infused, but not academic.” I’ve amassed deep experience designing and directing strategic, understandable approaches and research for clients, and getting them meaningful, powerful results that inform many and delight all.
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