Mike Humphrey has experience in a wide array of quantitative and qualitative research tchniques, below is a collection of blogs he has written.

Importance of Brand Research

What’s in a Name? The Importance of Brand Research in Sales Efforts

by and

As researchers, we’re often tasked with gathering brand metrics in tracking, AA&U, packaging optimization, and various other types of studies. But true brand health, value, personality, and associations are often left unexplored beyond surface level metrics.

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B2B Research

“I Know You’re Out There”

Engaging Hard-To-Reach Tradespeople And Heavy Industry Pros

by: (Senior Vice President at Decision Analyst) and (Managing Directory of Strategy at Two Rivers Marketing)

So, what can we do to best reach hard-to-find but vital segments? While there’s sometimes a magic panel (where caution is advised) or other freely available list to turn to, there are some best practices and techniques available to increase our odds in the event that’s not the case.

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Planning for the Future

Diving Deeper Into Diversity—Hispanic Research

by: (President of JAM Consulting) and (Senior Vice President at Decision Analyst)

Sampling concerns ranged from fraud to worries over how representative our samples truly are these days. While the prevention of fraud is ongoing and evolving, the issue of representativeness deserves just as much attention. This is particularly true in the diverse U.S. Hispanic market, where the demographics, attitudes, and behaviors can differ from the general population in important ways.

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Dig Data

Brave New Research—

Looking Ahead to a 5G World

According to experts, the move to 5G will open new horizons for us all and almost every industry will see monumental changes. So, what are the implications for the marketing research world? Here in the present, let’s take a quick look at some of the ways a more connected world, and lightning-fast networks, may impact data collection and other areas.

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