Lesley Johnson has over 20 years of experience in marketing research. Below is a collection of blogs she has written.

Aug 10 2021
Marketing Research

What’s Really Going On Behind The Virtual Glass?

Four Tips For Backroom Observers

Like its in-person counterpart, an online focus group allows businesses to use a moderator to talk directly to consumers to ask key questions, to capture group interaction, and more. But, in conducting online qualitative, don’t forget the role of, and the importance of being a backroom observer.

Jun 4 2020
Consumer Reactions to Covid-19

Your Brand Here!

Strategically Assessing Community Engagement for post-COVID-19

As stressful as this environment is, it could be an opportunity to evaluate where your company or nonprofit has been and where it wants to go.Has what you’ve been doing up until now served you well? Is it time to adjust plans, change directions entirely, or double down on your current strategy? Do you have data that can help you answer strategic questions?