Blogs by Julie Trujillo


  • Sir2024

    Recently Decision Analyst's Julie Trujillo attended the Society of Insurance Research’s Annual Conference.

    Julie thought that the SIR Annual Conference was a great event and it covered a lot of information. There were 3 themes that stood out during the event: Inclusivity, Innovation, and AI. Read Julie's summary of the conference.


  • Concept testing

    Testing new product ideas among the relevant audiences is worth the commitment.

    However, when there is an intermediary used for distribution of products to the end users, there are different research needs. For organizations that use an intermediary, it’s important to determine among which audience the research should be conducted. Can you limit yourself to only the end user or only the intermediary? I would advocate for research with both audiences as a best practice for ensuring the success of the product or service.


  • Research in the Metaverse

    Admittedly, I’m no expert on the metaverse. Yet, here I am, raising questions and starting the conversation.

    I think this is a conversation that needs to start now because we are already here. "Here where?", you ask. Here, conducting research in the metaverse. For better or for worse, it has begun.


  • Marketing Research

    What if you are one of the many companies whose product or service goes through an intermediary?

    And, what if that intermediary has a strong influence on your brand’s relationship with the end customers? Operating in a business-to-business-to-consumer environment creates extra complexity to consider.


  • 15Apr
    Who’s taking my survey? by Julie Trujillo
    Online Survey Sample

    Panel and sample quality is something all market researchers should be concerned about.

    So, with that in mind, I thought perhaps it was time to take a step back and consider what we are doing to make sure we can answer the question, “Who’s taking my survey?”


  • Brand Strategy

    A revolutionary new product. An improved product. A problem product that’s been “fixed.” What do all of these have in common?

    All of these products also need to be tested. But if the product, itself, is never put into the hands of potential users, how strong are its chances to succeed?

Contact Decision Analyst

Julie Trujillo ( is a Senior Vice President at Decision Analyst. She may be reached at 1-800-262-5974 or 1-817-640-6166.


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